Investor Relations

J Trust Bank strive to create and maintain relationships of trust with all stakeholders by delivering financial transparency and outstanding communication.

Annual Report
We have consistently achieved positive growth in recent years, in line with our medium-term and long-term plans. View J Trust Bank's Annual Reports here.
Financial Report
J Trust Bank's monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports. Access the latest data for a deeper understanding of the bank's performance and growth.
Financial Highlight
Discover our financial highlights, including revenue, profit, assets, and liabilities, to better understand our financial position.
Shareholder General Meeting
The Shareholders General Meeting serves as a forum for making key decisions related to shareholder investments. View the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting here.
Shareholder Structure
Information on the structure and composition of J Trust Bank's shareholdings.
Investor News
Important information and reports for investors and shareholders.

Capital Market Supporting Institution & Professionals


Notaris Jose Dima Satria, S.H., M.Kn.

Jln Madrasah, Komplek Taman Gandaria Kav. 11A Kelurahan Gandaria Selatan, Kecamatan Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, 12420

Call Us:
021-29125500 / 021-29125600


Share Registrar

PT Sharestar IndonesiaSopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle Tower B, Lt 18 Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6 Kawasan Mega KuninganDKI Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia

Call Us:
(021) 50815211

(021) 50815211

Public Accountant


Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Retno, Palilingan & Rekan

UOB Plaza 42nd & 30th Floor Jl. MH. Thamrin Lot 8-10 Central Jakarta 10230 Indonesia

Call Us:
+62 21 29932121
+62 21 3144003



Investor Relation Contact

Financial Information and Company Performance

Email Email
Call Phone (+62-21) 2926 1111
PIC PIC Ridyawan Amnar & Teuku Hendry Andrean
J Trust Bank's Internet Banking and Mobile Banking is here with a new look and more complete services. Please access the E-Banking menu to get the latest J Trust Bank mobile banking and internet banking Dear customers of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.  Be careful of fraud via telephone/Whatsapp application/advertising on social media on behalf of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. or J Trust Bank, as well as offering J Trust Bank products, which in turn are subject to a monthly subscription fee and request a one time password (OTP) code or customer personal identification number (PIN). Beware, beware of fake links! Do not access links/links with requests to fill in customer's personal data, ask for OTP and PIN codes.