
As part of the world community, PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk (J Trust Bank) actively participates in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals targets in Indonesia. Thus, in creating a sustainable business, J Trust Bank align economic, environmental, social, and governance aspects in operational and business processes.

The financial industry, including banking, through sustainable finance initiatives launched by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) encourages the implementation of responsible business, which is not only profit-oriented but is able to protect natural resources and preserve the environment for future generations.

Dukung Pendidikan Vokasi, J Trust Bank Berikan Bantuan Pendidikan Kepada SMK Mitra Industri MM2100
A Happy Day with J Trust Bank Rayakan Natal Penuh Kasih Bersama Panti Asuhan Pondok Kasih Agape
Merayakan 20 Tahun Aksi Donor Darah J Trust Bank Selenggarakan Donor Darah dan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
A Happy Day With J Trust Bank Field Trip Edukatif Bersama Panti Asuhan Pondok Taruna
J Trust Bank Dorong Kesadaran Akan Hak Konsumen Melalui Literasi Keuangan di SMK Mitra Industri MM2100
J Trust Bank dan Econusa Gelar Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim di Mangrove Center Tanjung Pasir

SDGs Commitment

The SDGs agenda consist of 17 major goals which not only carried out by all countries as a global commitment, but also a guide for Indonesia in implementing an inclusive and sustainable national development program. Therefore, to achieve the SDGs, cooperation from all parties is needed including the private sector and the community.

J Trust Bank opt to actively participate as a form of contribution to several major goals and achievements of the SDGs that are adjusted to the company's vision and mission.

SDG's Goals SDG 2 SDG 3 SDG 4 SDG 8 SDG 11 SDG 14 SDG 15 SDG 17
Business / Product
SDG select SDG select SDG select SDG select SDG select
Corporate Social
SDG select SDG select SDG select SDG select SDG select SDG select

Sustainability Pillars

We believe the implementation of sustainability practices in each company will determine our future together. Thus, J Trust Bank has structured its dynamic sustainability programs and activities under four sustainability pillars.

Inclusive and Sustainabe Business


  1. Suppport all community and business groups through innovative and competitive products and services.
  2. Support local suppliers while adhering to the precautionery principle.
  3. Drive the growth of green/sustainable finance portfolio.


  1. Upholds the principle of gender and age equality.
  2. Committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees.
Sustainability Pillars
Sustainability Pillars

Governance and Risk

  1. Bank's vision and mission on Sustainable Finance.
  2. Establishment of Sustainability Task Force.
  3. Product policies that take into account the environmental, social and governance aspects.
  4. Sustainability KPI for related Divisions.
  5. Prepare Sustainability Report.
Sustainability Pillars
Sustainability Pillars

Green Operational Initiatives

  1. Committed of using enviromentally friendly technology and materials especially for water equipment and electricity use.
  2. Teleconference to minimize business trips.
  3. Use paper wisely and only certified ones.
  4. Platform-based/paperless approval system.
Sustainability Pillars
Sustainability Pillars

Corporate Social Responsibility

Focusing on 3 main sectors:

  1. Economy

    Financial literacy and inclusion and capacity building for micro-enterpreneurs.
  2. Social

    Improving the quality of children's health and education.
  3. Environment

    Woman empowerment for waste management. endangered rare animal campaign and behavior change through distribute recycle bags to customers.
Sustainability Pillars

Sustainable Business

Through our products and services, J Trust Bank fully supports the development of customers' businesses that are included in the 12 Environmentally Based Business Activities (KUBL), as part of the implementation of Sustainable Finance.

Bisnis Keberlanjutan

Sustainability Committee

J Trust Bank is dedicated to making all possible efforts to mitigate climate change and achieve the Net Zero Emission target by integrating corporate sustainability into its business activities. This involves considering and aligning economic, social, and environmental interests at all times.

To oversee the preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of these efforts, J Trust Bank has established a Sustainability Committee and Task Force comprised of:

Task force Chairman Duties & Responsibilities
Internal Regulation Risk Management Division Head Internal Regulation
Developing a basis for implementing sustainable business which is characterized by the availability of internal regulations such as policies, standard operational procedures and others
Product and Service Development
  • Corporate Banking Division Head
  • Corporate Funding & Business Product Division Head
Product and Service Development
Create and/or develop banking products and services oriented towards implementing corporate sustainability that can be accessed inclusively by all customer groups
Increasing Employee Capacity Human Capital Division Head Increasing Employee Capacity
Increase employee insight and knowledge through a series of training related to sustainability aspects, so that the company can run an optimal sustainable business
Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Communication Corporate Secretary Division Head Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Communication
  1. Designing and implementing corporate social responsibility as an integrated part of the company's sustainable business implementation strategy
  2. Disseminate information and knowledge about Sustainability
Green Office Initiatives General Service Division Head Green Office Initiatives
  1. Designing and implementing various environmentally friendly initiatives in company operations
  2. Building an environmentally friendly lifestyle culture among employees and other stakeholders involved in company activities
Planning and Reporting Plan & Performance Division Head Planning and Reporting
  1. Develop a Sustainable Financial Action Plan
  2. Prepare reports on achievements and targets from the implementation of corporate sustainability which will be submitted to the Board of Directors and other stakeholders
  3. Conduct studies and analyzes the achievements of the company's Sustainability implementation


J Trust Bank underlies the Bank's CSR programs and activities with the premise that the Bank is part of the community and in general, is part of Indonesian society and the world. Thus, the Bank has a social responsibility to develop and empower people's lives around the Bank's operational areas. Through the CSR programs, the Bank carries out activities that focus on three pillars: economic, social, and environmental that aligned in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in accordance with the Sustainable Finance's vision and mission.

TORA Green Savings

The 'TORA Green Savings' program, introduced by J Trust Bank, was launched on April 22, 2024, in alignment with International Earth Day. This initiative represents a collaborative effort to address climate change and promote environmental conservation.

TORA Green Savings is J Trust Bank's first savings program to incorporate sustainability into the company's operations. Through TORA Green Savings, the bank enables customers concerned about the environment to contribute to conservation efforts. The program allocates 0.5% per annum from the interest earned on savings for planting mangrove trees.

Every Rp25,000,- from the collected funds will be planted 1 (one) mangrove tree in the CarbonEthics area in the Thousand Islands, Jakarta.

J Trust Bank's Internet Banking and Mobile Banking is here with a new look and more complete services. Please access the E-Banking menu to get the latest J Trust Bank mobile banking and internet banking Dear customers of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.  Be careful of fraud via telephone/Whatsapp application/advertising on social media on behalf of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. or J Trust Bank, as well as offering J Trust Bank products, which in turn are subject to a monthly subscription fee and request a one time password (OTP) code or customer personal identification number (PIN). Beware, beware of fake links! Do not access links/links with requests to fill in customer's personal data, ask for OTP and PIN codes.